Friday, December 27, 2024

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Good Documentation Practices (GDP) in a Food Testing Laboratory

1.0 Objective

To establish standardized procedures for documenting, maintaining, and reviewing records in the food testing laboratory to ensure data integrity, traceability, and compliance with regulatory requirements specific to food safety and testing.


2.0 Scope

This SOP applies to all laboratory personnel involved in data recording, document preparation, maintenance, and review in compliance with Good laboratory Practices (GLP), ISO 17025, and FSSAI mannula for food testing.


3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Laboratory Personnel:

·         Ensure compliance with Good Documentation Practices while recording and handling food testing data.

3.2 Department Heads:

·         Oversee adherence to GDP guidelines and perform periodic audits of food testing records.

3.3 Quality Assurance  (QA):

·         Maintain master copies of documents and review controlled document compliance for food testing processes.


4.0 Definitions and Abbreviations

4.1 Definitions:

·         Good Documentation Practices (GDP): Guidelines for creating and maintaining accurate, clear, and complete records specific to food testing procedures.

4.2 Abbreviations:

·         SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.

·         GDP: Good Documentation Practices.

·         QA: Quality Assurance.

·         FSSAI: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.


5.0 Procedure

5.1 General Guidelines

1.      Use of Ink:

Always use indelible blue or black ink for manual entries. Entries must be legible, clear, and without ambiguity.

2.      Date Format:

Record dates as DD/MM/YYYY

3.      Error Correction:

Do not overwrite or erase errors. Draw a single line through the incorrect entry, write the correct information nearby, and initial with the date of correction.

4.      Completeness:

All fields in documents must be filled. If not applicable, write "N/A" or "Not Applicable."

5.      Page numbaer:

Number pages as “Page X of Y” to ensure completeness.

6.      Avoid Blank Spaces:

Cross out any unused space with a diagonal line and note "Cancelled" or "Not Applicable" with initials and date.


5.2 Documentation Standards

1.      Headers and Footers:

Include document title, SOP number, version, and effective date on each page.

2.      Signatures and Initials:

Every document must have signatures, initials, and dates of preparation, review, and approval.

3.      Instrument Records:

Record the name, identification number, and calibration status of instruments used in food testing or analysis.

4.      Analytical Data:

Maintain detailed records of reference standards, lot numbers, and method descriptions for food samples.

5.      Sample Identification:

Each food sample must have a unique identification number to ensure traceability.


5.3 Handling and Storage

1.      Control Copies:

Use "Controlled Copy" stamps for distributed documents and maintain a log of issued copies.

2.      Master Copies:

Store original documents securely in the Quality Assurance archive.

3.      Document Retention:

Retain documents for the duration specified by regulatory requirements (e.g., FSSAI guidelines).

4.      Access Control:

Restrict access to sensitive documents to authorized personnel only.


5.4 Training

1.      Awareness Training:

Conduct regular training for all personnel on GDP principles specific to food testing.

2.      Documentation Updates:

Train employees on changes to documentation formats or requirements related to food safety standards.


6.0 Precautions

1.      Do not use correction fluid, tape, or pencil entries in records.

2.      Ensure records are clean, safe, and stored to prevent damage or loss.

3.      Verify data accuracy during entry to minimize errors.

4.      Maintain confidentiality of food testing records.


7.0 References

1.      ISO 17025: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

2.      FSSAI Guidelines for Food Testing Laboratories.


8.0 Annexures

1.      Annexure 1: Format for Document Correction Log.

2.      Annexure 2: Training Record Template.

3.      Annexure 3: Document Issuance and Retrieval Log.

4.      Annexure 4: Sample Identification Log Template.


9.0 Revision History


 Effective Date

 Description of Changes

 Prepared By

 Approved By



Initial Release

QA Officer

Lab Director


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