Food Analyst Examination 2024 Notes and Question Bank

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Food Safety and Standards Act of India, 2006


FSSAI Act 2006 100+ MCQ

FSS Rules and Regulations (2011) as amended from time to time

 1. Notes- (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses Regulation

2. Notes- Packaging_Labelling_Regulations

3. Notes - Laboratory and Sampling Analysis Regulation

4. Notes -Food Additives and Their Functions Regulation

5. Notes- Food or Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals Regulation

6. Notes -Contaminants, Toxins and Residues

7. Notes- Prohibition and Restriction of Sales Regulations

8 Notes- Food Products Standards and Food Additives Regulation

9 Notes Organic Food Regulation

10. Notes Alcoholic Beverage Regulation

11. Notes Fortification of Food Regulation

(Note 11 is available for open access to everyone).

 90+ MCQ on Licensing and Registration of FBO

50 MCQ on Laboratory and Sampling Analysis Regulation

100 + MCQ on Alcoholic Beverage Regulation

100 + MCQ - Fortification of Food Regulation

75 + MCQ on Organic Food Regulation

Other National Laws and Standards

 Notes on Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937

Notes on The Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act

 70+ MCQ on National Laws and Standards

International Food Control Systems/ Laws

 Notes- Codex Alimentarius Commission

Notes - WTO agreements: SPS/TBT

Notes- Role of OIE, IPPC

 140+ MCQ on International Food Control Systems/ Laws


 ISO / IEC-17025: 2017 and laboratory safety

 Notes 1

Notes -2 Overview of ISO 17025

 ISO 17025 and Food Testing Lab 100 + MCQ


Food Processing Operations


 MCQ question- I

Food Processing Operations 180+ MCQ-II

Food Preservation


 Food Preservation 100+ MCQ

Food Packaging

 Notes- I

FSSAI Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, Notes- II

  (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011 -50 MCQ



 Notes-1 Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance

Note-2 Water and Solutions: Key Concepts and Detailed Analysis

 90+ MCQ on Water 

75 + MCQ Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance

Body composition

 Notes on Nutritional Aspects: An Overview

 75+ MCQ on Nutritional Aspects: An Overview



 100+ MCQ on Carbohydrates


 Notes on Lipids

 100+ MCQ on Lipids


Notes on Protein

 100+ MCQ on Protein


 Notes on Vitamins: Deficiency Diseases, Toxicity, Sources, Functions, and Food Safety


 130+ MCQ on Vitamins


Notes on Minerals

 135 MCQ Minerals: Nutritional Significance

Macronutrient deficiency

 Notes on Macronutrient deficiency

 120 MCQ on Macronutrient deficiency

Food allergens

Food Allergens, Allergenicity, and Inborn Errors of Metabolism


 150 MCQ on Food allergens

Diet and Health

Notes on Diet and Health: Impact on Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, Hypertension, and Heart Health


 150 MCQ on Diet and Health

Food Additives

 Notes on Food Additives


 170 MCQ on Food Additives

Antinutritional Factors

Notes on Antinutritional Factors: An Overview

 100+ MCQ on Antinutritional Factors

Food Enzymes

Notes on Food Enzymes

 125 MCQ on Food Enzymes

Nucleic Acids

Notes on Nucleic Acids

 125 MCQ on Nucleic Acids

Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

Notes on Functional Foods

Notes on Nutraceuticals

 70 MCQ on Functional Foods

90+ MCQ on Nutraceuticals Foods

Plant pigments

 Notes on Plant Pigments: Structure, Functions, and Applications in the Food Industry

 100 MCQ on Plant pigments


Notes on Radioisotopes: Origin and Properties of Radioactivity

 70 MCQ ON Radioisotopes: Origin and Properties of Radioactivity

Genetically modified organism (GMOs)

Notes on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

 75 MCQ on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Food contaminant and adulterants

 Notes 1- Food contaminant and adulterants

Notes 2- Food contaminant and adulterants

Notes 3- Food contaminant and adulterants


100 MCQ on Food contaminant and adulterants


Introduction to Food microbiology

Notes on Introduction to Food microbiology

 125 + MCQ on Introduction to Food Microbiology

Sources of microorganisms in food chain

 Notes on Sources of Microorganisms

 195 MCQ on Sources of Microorganisms

Microbial Growth Characteristics

 Notes I- On Microbial Growth

Notes 2 - Microbial Growth


 180+ MCQ on Microbial Growth

Thermal Destruction of Microorganisms

Notes on Thermal Destruction of Microorganisms

 200 MCQ on Thermal Control of Microorganisms

Microbial food spoilage

Notes on Microbial food spoilage and Food borne diseases

 190 MCQ on Microbial food spoilage

Microbiological Examination

 Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods

 225+ MCQ on Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods


 Notes on HACCP

 150 MCQ on HACCP


Sampling and sample preparation



Statistics and statistical terms



Classical Methods of food analysis



Analytical technique



UV-Visible and Fluorescence Spectrometry



Raman spectroscopy



Chromatographic techniques



High Performance Liquid Chromatography



Gas chromatography



Mass Spectrometry



Hyphenated Techniques



Atomic absorption Spectroscopy



Biological Techniques



Measurements of Rheological properties



Quality assurance and Quality control



Mock Test Series

 Sample papers

 FAE 2024 Mock Test - I


