ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Clause 6.2.6



The laboratory shall have structured process for granting authorization to individuals, allowing them to undertake specific activities within the laboratory. The authorization is not limited to a single task but extends to a range of laboratory activities. Essentially, it implies that certain personnel will be officially sanctioned or permitted to carry out designated functions or tasks within the laboratory. The intent is to ensure that individuals with the requisite expertise, training, and authority are entrusted with specific responsibilities, contributing to the effective and controlled functioning of the laboratory.

a).  Development, Modification, Verification, and Validation of Methods

The accuracy and reliability of laboratory testing processes hinge on the particular development, modification, verification, and validation of methods. A specialized group of authorized individuals with expertise in innovation and validation are entrusted with this critical task.

Development of Methods: Authorized personnel are responsible for crafting tailored methods that align with specific testing requirements. This entails designing approaches to analyze samples with the goal of achieving not only accuracy but also efficiency in terms of time and resources.

 Modification of Methods: As scientific knowledge evolves or new technologies emerge, existing methods may require modification. Authorized individuals possess the expertise to adapt methods, ensuring they remain current, aligned with standards, and capable of delivering precise results.

Verification and Validation: Crucial steps in confirming method reliability, verification, and validation involve systematic reviews and testing. Authorized individuals ensure that methods are accurate, repeatable, and suitable for their intended purpose, producing consistent and trustworthy results under varying conditions.

 Ensuring Reliability: Authorization of specific individuals to handle method-related tasks is paramount for maintaining overall laboratory reliability. Rigorous oversight in the development, modification, and validation of methods safeguards against inaccuracies, contributing to the credibility of laboratory testing processes.

b).  Analysis of Results, Including Statements of Conformity or Opinions and Interpretations

In the laboratory, a designated process oversees the examination of test results, assigning distinct responsibilities to various individuals. Their role is to accurately assess whether the results align with required product standards (conforming or not conforming) and to identify any potential issues. This thorough examination ensures the accuracy and reliability of test results.

Moreover, certain individuals possess the authority not only to evaluate results but also to provide opinions or interpretations based on the test report. This may involve offering insights into the meaning of results or their broader relevance, providing valuable expertise to inform decision-making.

c) Report, review and authorization of results.

Within the laboratory, specific individuals are assigned a crucial role in reviewing and approving reports that document the outcomes of tests. These individuals possess the authority to assess detailed reports, ensuring that the information accurately reflects the test results. Their responsibilities extend to meticulous reviews for clarity and, most importantly, accuracy.

 The final step involves approving the reports, signifying that they meet necessary standards and are ready for distribution or further action. This approval process serves as a final stamp of reliability, confirming that the documented findings are precise and consistent with the laboratory's quality requirements.
